Let Us Design and Manufacture Your Club Patches
We handle all orders big and small.
Custom Chenille Patches has patch designs for any activity or sport you can think of. From football to cheerleading from baseball to drill team we have something for everyone. Any awards that you or your team receives can be made into a patch for your letterman jacket. And since our prices are a flat rate you can enter what you want in the patch and do not have to worry about what you can afford.
State & Championship Patches
can be made for any state perfect for playoff recognition. Also see our Large State Patches
We do more than just offer patches. Now we have a full line of letter jackets and jackets that other teams wear like satin jackets for cheer leaders available for purchase. Custom Chenille Patches is also a full service lettering company. We have the ability to create tackle twill lettering in a variety of colors and styles able to meet the needs of any school. Please call for more information.
Sport and Activity Patches
With fully customizable designs.
Custom Chenille Patches has a huge selection of letterman jacket patches for anyone looking for the best quality you can buy. Our letterman jacket patches have a unique look and feel which far exceeds our competitors products. Your students work so hard for their letterman jackets. Give them chenille patches that match the effort!
Custom Chenille Patches
Turn your own artwork into a custom chenille patch
If you provide us with good quality vector artwork then we can turn that into a custom chenille patch made to your exact specifications. In general we carry a minimum quantity of 6 patches for custom designs

Go to our Services Page to view our online catalog and order patches!
Flat Rate for Each Patch
No matter how many letters inside the patch
At Custom Chenille Patches you do not have to be a genius to understand our pricing. We do flat rate for all of our patches, and our prices are not the only thing that sets us apart. All of our patches are made with an embroidered outline which very few other companies offer giving our patches a more elegant look. A combination of chenille and embroidery makes the patch more durable. We also glue backing to our patches making sure our patches stay sewn the way they were the day we made them.


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